Welcome to Big Dreams.Com!

"Do or do not. There is no try," is often quoted— Yoda, Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) but the next lines are equally powerful.

As Yoda raises the ship from a swamp with his mind, Luke bursts, "I don't believe it," to which Yoda responds, "That is why you fail."

Until we destroy our limiting fears and beliefs, we will never know what joys lay just beyond. 


True "success" is to align your legacy with destiny, in this lifetime




Unity Physics

Today is the 120th anniversary of the dawn of Quantum Field Theory.

On December 14, 1900, Max Planck first introduced the notion that light was quantized energy packets to the German Physical Society. 

Since then, there’s been a revolution in physics, completely dispelling the idea that the world we hear, touch, see, taste, and smell is objectively real. Now, after 120 years of deep exploration, the findings of modern physicist are profoundly close to meta-physical beliefs, except for one essential insight; non-physical causality

Today's physics is dominated by devout materialist. While they all know the matter we perceive is an expression of energy, they cling to particles—  physical causality— like drunks looking for the lost keys to the universe under the streetlamps.

It’s not the unification of physical theories, but the unity of physics with spiritual science that, I believe, will provide the roadmap for the new age. Together, the how of modern physics, unified, with the why of timeless wisdom will lead the way to a new understanding of physics and the human condition.  

 “From science, then, if it must be so, let man learn the philosophical truth that there in no material universe; its warp and woof is Maya, illusion. Its mirages of reality all break down under analysis."— Yogananda, 1946


The Field Thesis

For millenniums, spiritual science has asserted that the universe we experience is holographic, in today’s language. What this thesis means to quantum physics is that reality is a continuous projection— whether we view it or not.  

In contrast, Quantum Field Theory suggests that reality is merely defined by a set of possibilities that snap into place once observed.

The classic example is Schrödinger's cat, where physicists imagine the cat is neither dead nor alive, but in a state of superposition, simply because it’s locked in a box out of their view. This is utter non-sense. But, don’t ask the physicists, ask the cat. If he’s still alive, he’ll meow. 

According to ancient scientists, there’s no collapse of the wave function or super-positioning. These physicists are simply tuning into the Holograph as they open the box, i.e. they are decoding the field.

More generally, physicists are switching from observing projection light to observing the effects of the light; from viewing the projection mechanism to viewing the projected Holograph. Yet, they're so mystified by this experience, they call it the “measurement problem.”

What we really have is an immersion problem. If we live within a shared Holograph then our life experiences are the effects, so casuality can only be inferred. Obviously, the projection mechanism is hidden from our awareness— or this holographic reality couldn't work.

Think of spacetime as watching video through a DVR. When we’re at the scene, we’re viewing it in real-time. When we’re far, far away, that’s like tuning into past episodes, which are back in time.

When the scene is out of sight—  like Schrödinger's cat— we need to piece together the evidence, since the events have already passed. That’s like an episode we just forgot to record.

Let's look at the bigger picture. From the Luxor temple in Egypt: 

# Knowledge is consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of the causes from which they flow. 

"The laws that govern nature" are well understood by the materialist of our day, yet there’s been much ado about the mysteries of Quantum Field Theory— which are simply the effects of a non-physical causality. What’s completely missing from their Field Theory is a Theory of Fields. Just how and why do these quantum fields arise?

According to the masters— who have perceived this deeper reality and not just probed it— the universe is a holographic projection with two primary movers, essentially the projection energy unified with the attraction of gravity. What these really are is far deeper.

As a Field Thesis, or Theory of Fields, this Universal Holograph is quantum casuality, the “causes from which they flow,” as asserted in stone on this ancient temple. Its two prime movers replace the imagainary particles at the core of the Standard Model, the Higgs and the Graviton.

If this Universal Holograph is for real, then everything, everywhere is experienced in 4D. That’s Loren’s scaling, because Lorenz had this partly right.

That’s enough of a tease for this 120th birthday.... We go way down the rabbit hole after that!

To our materialist friends, we have a new mantra: Where you once took solace in "Shut up and calculate," you may now hush up and just "Let it project."

With that, you can cling to your magical particles— "Thing One" and "Thing Two"— while the rest of us marvel at this on-going miracle, our surrounding reality.


The Laws of Cause!

You’ve got what you want!

The very first thing to acknowledge is that you’ve already got what you want. If you wanted more, you’d have more but, right now, you want exactly what you’ve got.

When we exercise our unlimited power to create, there is no wanting without getting and no getting without wanting, so the only way to achieve something more is to really, really want it.

In the meantime, you’ve got exactly what you want….

Got it?

If you recognize “wanting it” as a driving force, the question is: Just how do we want more than we currently have? We believe we want more. We imagine we want more. We are even taking action towards having more, yet our consistant results are exactly aligned with what we truly want—and that’s not enough!

To see the role “wanting it” plays, let’s look into the locker room rant of NHL Coach Bruce Boudreau after the second period of a hockey game caught for the HBO Series, 24/7:

“Have a seat for a second. Look, I have never seen a bunch of guys look so [bleep]ing down when something bad happens. What are you guys? Like prima donna perfects that can't [bleep]in' handle adversity?…. You kill two [bleep]ing men, and then we stand around and watch while they [bleep]ing score here…Outwork these [bleep]ing guys!

If you want it, don't just think you want it. Go out and [bleep]ing want it! But you're not looking like you want it, you look like you're feeling sorry for yourself. And nobody [bleep]ing wants anybody that's feeling sorry for themselves. You got 20 [bleep]ing minutes. You're down by one [bleep]ing shot. Surely the [bleep] we can deal with this.” – Bruce Boudreau, NHL Coach

In this rant, Coach Boudreau captured every element of where "wanting it" goes wrong; victimhood, fuzzy vision, all combined with lack of dedication, discipline and determination.

In contrast, “If you want it, don't just think you want it,” Coach Boudreau asserts, “go out and [bleep]ing want it!”

You then need to act until your vision becomes reality— regardless of any obstacles placed in your way— all while never succumbing to victimhood!

People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity— no matter how impressive their other talents!

—Andrew Carnegie

What Coach Boudreau was observing is that his team didn’t really “want it.” When you “think you want it,” the question then is: how do you motivate yourself to really want it? To really "[bleep]ing want it?"

The process of achievement is simple: Dream big, steadfastly believe, labor with love (act), and then create the life of your dreams. But there’s a gap that stands between vision and venture. You might dream and believe it. That’s vision. But until you venture— act and create— whatever “it” is remains no thing. This gap will not be crossed until you really “want it!”

Well, that’s the subtlety, because everyone “wants it” a little; maybe even a lot. But you’re not going to act and create it until you really “[Bleeping] want it” and are willing to “go out” and make it happen; until you want it so bad that your entire being is behind the effort!

We get hung up at belief. It’s as though we stand on a ledge, dream in hand, facing a chasm we fear crossing. Let's call this the Venture Gap. Yet, it’s not the lack of belief, but depth of belief. To “[bleep]ing want it,” we have to intenesly believe it’s personal, urgent and necessary before we fully commit.

To illustrate this state, take drowning. Here, we don’t just "think" we need to breath, we don't merely “believe” we need to breath; we know we need to breath— and breath now! That is the heightened sense of commitment required to cross the Venture Gap! 

It's not conditional or tentative but absolute commitment, like that America has to liberty, as expressed by John F. Kennedy, to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success...“

That’s the mindset required to cross the Venture Gap.

“Great leaders don't change the world by accident”— University of Notre Dame 

What's clear is that we work through three sequential steps as we commit; I can, I must, and I will or, put another way, it's for mefor good, and for real!

The universal problem is that few of us know how to get beyond “I can” or “I must” without a real crisis in our lives. Even then, as the crisis subsides, so does our heightened state of performance.

Sure, we “want it,” but that’s not enough to drive through rigorous challenges. Most dieters, for instance, are in a constant state of “I must” and never get beyond, to the state of “I will” that makes it real.

Yet, until we get to the “I will” state of mind, we don’t really “[bleeping] want it,” we just “want it” and wanting it alone is never enough.

So that’s the challenge... One I've spent 100 hours addressing over the last 40 days (July 10th through today, August 19th, 2013). I think I have it, but you know where I'm going with this, don't you?

Until I know it works, it's not "for real." Until I prove it works, it's only a vision, not a repeatable venture. I simply haven't crossed the Venture Gap!

The Laws of Cause are a subset of the Divine Elements; Dream, Believe, Love, Create, where we go deep into "Believe" to uncover exactly how one creates that illuisve state of absolute commitment.

Let's pray this works! I need this as much as anyone... Stay Tuned.


The 7 Laws of Competitive Innovation

[Excerts from an upcoming article... Stay tuned!]

— When to move ideas to implementation!

I’ve only had three great ideas in my lifetime.

Yet, these three were among hundreds of thousands if not millions of ideas that have crossed my mind. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse, but I have enough vision to fill 100 lifetimes of innovation!

If you too are creative, then you don’t have a scarcity problem; you have a sorting problem. The 7 Laws of Competitive Innovation will guide you as you sort through the myriad of options to find the one right idea for you.

Or, if you’ve already settled on an idea—or evaluating one for investment—the 7 Laws will help establish strengths and uncover weaknesses, and even fatal flaws!

In my reality, Competitive Innovation is the pursuit of the right idea by the right people at the right time for the right reason. All other innovation is likely to fail. 

So, don’t just run with a seemingly good idea; run with the right idea, one that will advance you or your company along its path— regardless of whether you win or lose the battle of consumer/client adoption.

It is the “99% perspiration” that must be conserved, so do whatever it takes to get the vision right.


The 7 Laws

As you hold your ideas up to the prism of The 7 Laws of Competitive Innovation, look for significance. For instance, there’s always some need, profit potential, and competitive threat. The competitive advantage required of each law is a threshold issue, never a simple yes or no.

Your ideas should easily clear each and every hurdle, as these are the death traps that will prevent your baby for being born or doom it to a life of insignificance.

The art of innovation is to bring to market the right idea by right people at the right time for the right reasons. Innovation is most compelling when aligned with these four key advantages:

• Right idea—Perfected solution with a Potent advantage

Right source— Protectable solution from a Position of power

Right time— Profitable solution on Pace with market demand

Right reason— Driven by the Passion to effect change

Everyone buys the best products and services they can afford, but just what make them “best?”


The Right Idea...

#1: The Law of Perfection— Is the innovation the easiest, safest, fastest, simplest, and most practical, affordable, convenient, stylish solution, i.e. is it perfected? Why perfected? Everyone wants the best! Unless your innovation is as good as it gets, you're vulnerable.

Don’t confuse the pursuit of perfection with the nescience of “good enough.” A perfected vision is the vehicle that takes unassailable form.

Even the lowly, 50-cent can opener has been “perfected;” it’s as easy, safe, affordable, convenient, fast, simple, and practical as it can possibly be. It simply can’t be beat at utility, just style. Because it’s in final form, it's only vulnerability is disruption, not improvement.


#2: The Law of Potency— How well does your solution solve the problem? How important is the problem?

There's a need for everything. What matters here is the "need intensity," as new products guru, Thomas Kuczmarski puts it!

A little better solution to a little problem really doesn't matter, unless you’re sustaining current customers. A competitive solution should be massively better to entice customers to switch vendors in an existing market or to disrupt the market itself.


By The Right Source...

#3 Law of Protectability— Can the innovation be protected by IP, by being first, or both? If it can't be protected or you're not already disrupting the status quo, then leaders may love your idea, but who needs you? Market leaders buy IP and/or momentum, not ideas.

Anything that creates a barrier to entry is useful. Patent protection, for example, is like a 20-year lease of land rights; powerful, so long as it excludes others for setting up shop at the best locations. A key trade name may become the lingo used to suggest that you own the market itself, like Kleeex, Rollerblade, or Tylenol.


#4 Law of Position-- Are you a market leader or an outsider? Are you in— or can you get into— a position to effect change? Existing relations, reputation, competence, industry experience, capital, and integration into existing systems matter, both in design and deployment!

If you're not teamed with a market leader, then you had best be creating a disruptive, new market bypassing the gatekeepers! If you're going directly into "their" market without the benefit of established trust, see Law #3.


At The Right Time...

#5: The Law of Pace— Are you early or late to market? All great innovations come at right time. Painfully slow, but always in alignment with natural law. Equally vital is the anticipated pace of your competitors.

Timing is everything because the allure of success attracts all manner of competition. Too early and you won’t achieve financial sustainability. Too late and you’ll be entering the fray of a commoditized market. Too obvious and you’ll be fighting for your life even before the market builds!


#6: Law of Profitability— Besides pace, is your solution unique, valuable, irreplaceable, or unsubstitutable? Market size, solution scarcity, and business-model all matter.

Who's your competition? How big is the opportunity? Are you a cost or profit center? Are you offsetting costs that justify high margins? Is your business model “baked in,” as it may not be possible to add one later. Free is not a business model, unless it’s used as a tactic to promote consumer adoption or has other ties-ins.


For The Right Reasons...

#7 The Law of Passion— Even if an innovation clears all first 6 laws, is it aligned with your life's and company's mission? Is it so compelling that you would innovate for free?

You know the odds. Most ventures fail. You simply cannot afford to waste time, energy, or treasure doing something outside your life plan—especially as you age.

Let me end with the mission description I wrote for my ventures:

“We give tangible form to big ideas; ideas significant enough to disrupt the status quo and enhance the lives of those we serve. We aspire to not just lead markets but to create then -- if only for the sheer joy of achieving perfection beyond what exists in the world today. We aspire to make contributions that resonate far beyond ourselves and our lifetimes. Yet, our time here is short, so what we do on this day matters.

We affirm that inspired innovation begins within, as intuition. To become real, we relentlessly act to prefect design, distill into form, and release promotion. Without form, even the greatest ideas remain “no thing,” so; Dream Big. Give Form. Drive Hard. Inspire others. Our volitions will vary, yet our vision remains the same: Bring big dreams to life!”

In short, invent what matters!


There're no "Tomorrows"

If you’re not living NOW, you’re not living at all.

-- BigDreams.com

Think about it. Everything you've ever done -- indeed anything that was ever done-- was done "now."

Sure, we think of it as yesterday or "back then," but "back then" wasn't it now when it happened? So, why does this matter?

There's only one sure way to discern between what's dream and what's real, and that's what's doing now. Everything put off until "tomorrow" is not real -- and may never be. It remains "no thing." Since everything comes from the mind, only those visions brought to life in the "now" are converting into form. The "now" is our life stage.

Let's say you want to lose weight. Well, the first thing you need it to change that language. I "want" to go to the outerspace and, perhaps, to the moon, but that's a wish without a plan. Rather, when you say to yourself and out loud, I'm going to lose weight," that's an intent. The only question is when!

Yet, the "now" is all we have. You can only moderate now. Exercise now. The moment you give into to "tomorrow," any vision of a new, fit body returns to dreamland. That's not to say that you should head to the gym at 2am for fear of missing the "now." But, don't head for that pint of ice cream either! Going to the gym tomorrow is living in the now; putting it off again tomorrow, is living in "tomorrow." Get it?

The now is our reality machine!

-- BigDreams.com

Further, it take months of "nows" to get the gravitational effects you desire, i.e. a lower numbers on a scale. Yet, only through relentless action in the "now" will any vision ever unfold into form. Now is the time. Now is the path. Now is all we have.

The "now" is our reality machine! That's where you, as creator, convert vision into form; dreams into reality. There's only now. There're no "tomorrows."


The Dots Will Appear!

Inspired by Steve Job's commencement speech at Stanford: 

The Dots will Appear!

Have faith that all the right elements will reveal themselves; go forth.

"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference."

"You've got to find what you love… Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and to only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to get great work is to love what you do."

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

"Stay hungry, stay foolish."


Steve Jobs
